Monday I'm going to attempt the "Skinny Bitch" diet for AT LEAST 30 days. My friend went on a modified version of it and lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks. I have a wedding to attend in about that time & I REFUSE to be THAT cousin. You know, the one that used to be stick thin & is not so much anymore...
I will be keeping track of what I ate each day, and if I exercised what type of exercise I did. Me and my sister recently renewed our personal training appointments & extended it for another 12 months. We WERE paying $160 ($80 each) for once a week training sessions, 4 times a month. Since they had a special going on yesterday we are now paying $104 ($52 each) for the same thing. Yay for "saving" $30 a month. I mean I guess technically if we didn't choose to renew we would be saving a lot more, but I think it's completely worth it. And plus, for the next 4 weeks we have twice a week sessions! So if nothing else, I will have AT LEAST 1 day of working out (2 in the next 4 weeks). But of course, I know I need to be at the gym more than that.
Good luck!:D I've been very strict with my diet and workout routine too!:D
Beauty. Fashion. Interior Design.
& Life According to Marie.
Best of luck to you! Let us know how it goes.
You really don't need to lose weight much as you look slim anyways, but goodluck!! xX
You're going to become a stick.
Awesome! I wish you the best of luck! =]
good luck! i think i might try this too. :)
p.s. they got the scrub and mask from ulta.
check out my blog and enter my giveaway for a chance to win a cute top! and get a coupon code to get 15% off online shopping. :D
<3, Mimi
Good luck!!!
I'm currently losing weight now too!
<3 Kelly
Good luck!
I'm trying to lose weight too
Good Luck with it :) you'll have to let us know how it goes
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